UBAL.de : smartphone (1 Results)

1 Results for smartphone

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  • Nokia 6700 6700s  Classic Collectable Retro Slide Smartphone
    AU private sale Australia ( 100.0%)

    Nokia 6700 6700s Classic Collectable Retro Slide Smartphone

    +Remanufactured+  Nokia 6700 6700s Classic Collectable Retro Slide Smartphone. Introducing the Nokia 6700 Classic, a collectible vintage slide smartphone in a unique purple colour.  This Nokia model is a must-have for retro phone enthusiasts who appreciate the simplicity of earlier mobile technology.  It's a timeless piece of mobile phone history that is both functional and stylish. Get your hands on this piece of nostalgia today. Classic Nokia 6700 6700s Slide S...
    AU private sale Australia ( 100.0%)

    16,75 SGD CalculatedDomestic+ 13,23 SGD postageInternational
     3d 22h 26min 10sec
    Auction (0 bids)
    See Details »
